It's rare moments like these when someone like myself, who doth possess such wit and intelligence, can think of nothing clever to say. I suppose I just want to go off on an ill-natured rant before I go and steal a seat from a pregnant lady carrying bags on the bus tomorrow.
I like many others have studied hard and achieved a decent degree. Three years of hard graft at something you always felt that you excelled at. You were lured towards University with promises not unlike "guaranteed and improved job prospects on graduating!" Many of us learnt all too quickly that this was complete and utter cow poo with a capital BS. Those improved job prospects were either labelled with "Underqualified!" or "Overqualified!" Fabulous...
At this point I chose to abandon this country for pastures unknown and although many of my experiences in Asia were really rather epic, I was depressed, underpaid, overworked and really no better off than my companions in fair Britannia. It was far too bloody hot anyway and what happened to all of the normal tea!?
To skip ahead of the story two years I did return to England only to be stuck at the dole office nodding my head like all of the other unfortunates. According to those Job Advisors with their jobs you can't manage without them and won't be able to find a job if it weren't for them wiping your backside...
I digress...
Well anyway I suppose what I really want to say is, what's in it for us? What do we the people who want to work hard and make this country great get in return for our blood, sweat and tears?
The degree I ploughed into debt for has so far brought me squat. It was everything I was ever good at and I strove and I achieved but here I am stuck in a job with no hopes of progression, no future but an early grave looming ahead. I find little reward and little point in my struggle, I yearn for something greater.
"Fuck that you creative types with your dreams and aspirations of escaping the mortal coil into greatness!!"
I would love that my creative talents could support me financially but I never was that good at drawing boobies...
Mako signing off